
The Keys to Finding Your Next Job: Be Focused, Creative, Thoughtful

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I could continue on and on in this title because it really does depend on you, your attitude and your commitment level. Setting oneself apart is a pivotal strategy but it isn’t something that simply happens. It requires hard work, discipline and perseverance. A few of the necessary elements that are part of a successful job search include, enthusiasm, a high-energy level, optimism, dedication, tenacity, and the key to it all, willingness. All the seminars, expert advice and mentoring is worthless without the willingness to incorporate the strategies in your job search. In many instances it is because it often takes us out of our comfort zone.

As a recruiter who places candidates in high tech industries and upper level management positions, it is imperative I continually educate myself with relation to “best practices” for hiring strategies. My value to clients and prospective candidates is not only to place candidates in their respective fields of expertise, but also to educate candidates on how to better position themselves through their own efforts. With over 20 years of industry experience in recruiting throughout northern New England, I freely share information that I have assembled through the years with my prospective candidates with the expectation of receiving information in return. As an active proponent in my candidate’s job search, we establish a partnership that fosters a long-term relationship and the potential for future business consideration. I have worked with certain people in my business for well over a decade.

Everyone who has witnessed the social media frenzy has become familiar with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.  LinkedIn is a tool that I work with daily as it provides a diverse source of information that is extensive, current and easy to navigate.  On LinkedIn, I recently attended several webinars and podcasts covering the newest strategies for job prospecting.  One of the best webinars I recently listened to was based on the book by Jay Conrad Levinson and David Perry of “Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 2.0” (  ).  There are several techniques worth mentioning:

  • Starting your job search with clarity – know what position(s) you’re targeting
  • Centering your search on 10-20 companies – do your due diligence and research the needs of the company and who they service
  • Being found/leaving bread crumbs, using social media – use LinkedIn, Facebook, blogging, etc.
  • Not following the rules – approach managers directly
  • Presenting your resume in a coffee mug box – create a Trojan gift
  • Creating resume lingerie – color text, company logos in the column,  testimonials in the body text, accomplishments in bold
  • Writing a cover letter – be sure to ask for a meeting
  • Making the process fun and entertaining
  • Having “inside the company” advocates present your resume to the hiring manager directly
  • Bringing something of value to the table, when meeting with a manager or person within a targeted company

The concept of setting oneself apart from the masses is the underlying theme throughout the podcasts (their 1-hour podcast provides all the mentioned tips). However, people are skeptical and some are reluctant to consider many of the unconventional approaches. It goes back to the willingness concept which requires people to get outside of their comfort zone.

I fully intend on informing my prospective candidates about the various techniques to allow them to decide what works best for them. No process is foolproof and it’s in the hands of the participant as to how the spirit of the task is conducted. Being totally focused, positive minded and enthusiastic isn’t always easy but it is essential to being the best prospective employee in a hugely competitive marketplace.

I’m interested in hearing from my audience about your experiences in either using unconventional techniques for job prospecting or how you set yourself apart in this tough marketplace. If there is a job prospecting methodology that consistently proves itself as being the answer for delivering positive results I would certainly love to know.

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